Friday, 6 January 2012

@ Vivo City, Harbourfront, 2nd Jan 2012

We wanted to go Sentosa for suntanning! haha, but he was late for my date by like 2hrs! We were supposed to meet at 2pm but he only woke up at 4pm or so. Zzz... And we ended up stuck at Vivo because he had to eat an early dinner and after dinner, we realised there was a huge dark cloud over Sentosa and this area. :( 

But we still had a fun time shopping at Daiso and buying books from Page One. It would probably be the last time we'd ever see that bookshop! They are closing its stores in late February. :/ After all the shopping and walking, he grew tired and we ended up napping over the bay area~ He sure can sleep anywhere and anytime! Just lying over his bag, he slept in like 5 mins like a auto-robot made just to sleep! :o! lols... >.< I took pics! yessssss! 


Rooftop Vivocity!


The sky's so nice...

*Jireh: Trying to imitate my face!

he really went to sleep on floor!

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